Wild Dreams Ranch
Discover - Grow - Thrive
Our Services
Wild Dreams Ranch is proud to offer an array of flexible programming options to meet the diverse needs of the community. We work closely with your group or family to develop effective and accessible sessions.
Individual Sessions
​Due to the flexible and client-centered nature of Equine-Assisted Learning, individual sessions can be tailored to address a wide variety of life circumstances. Facilitators are well-versed in Trauma-Informed care and offer a safe place for clients to explore emotions, reactions, and behavior patterns. Partnering with horses gives participants the opportunity to organically develop the skills necessary to move forward in daily life with confidence and clarity.
School Sessions
This is a progressive curriculum that consists of weekly sessions at the ranch over an 8-12 week period. Ideally, sessions should include no more than 8 participants who are relatively close in age or ability level. Each week, students will focus on defining a particular life skill, engage with the horses in a related activity, and end with a challenge for the week ahead. School administrators, counselors, and teachers are encouraged to be active participants in both the planning and execution of each lesson.
Single Day Retreats
Wild Dreams Ranch offers a serene setting for memorable group retreats. Our single day sessions are 1-3 hours in length and offer a wide selection of activities including meeting our herd in pasture, brushing and leading the horses, walking the nature trails, teamwork exercises with the horses, art projects, and quiet gathering space by our pond. We look forward to working with you to create unique programming and welcoming your family, church group, 4-H or scouts club to the ranch!
Day Camps
We are proud to partner with Autumnwood Farm in Eau Claire to offer summer day camps. Our camps range from 1-4 days in length and offer a comprehensive introduction to horse care, behavior, handling, leading, and riding. Participants learn about different horse breeds, riding styles, horse careers, groundwork games, and more. We keep our numbers small so each camper has plenty of hands on time with the horses. Each camp also includes creating a unique "horse-assisted" art project!